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Technology is the great wave of innovation.

HŌSHŌ DIGITAL is your skilled and trusted boatsman helping you navigate the seas of digital disruption.


HŌSHŌ DIGITAL is a technology-forward consultancy that believes in harnessing the potential of future technologies to deliver business value, now. We are not just observers of the digital revolution, but active participants and pioneers, shaping the way businesses interact with technology.

Our mission is to bridge the gap between the present and the future, between ideas and implementation, and between technology and business value. We combine cutting-edge technology with deep industry knowledge to deliver solutions that drive growth, efficiency, and innovation.

We understand that the future is not just about technology, but about how technology can enable businesses to reach their full potential. Our team of experts works closely with clients to understand their unique needs and challenges and to design and implement solutions that leverage the power of future technologies to meet those needs.

HŌSHŌ DIGITAL are more than just a consultancy. We are your innovation and growth partner in this hyper connected world where collaboration thrives, agility reigns and intelligence prevails.

Together, we can turn potential into reality, and ideas into value.


To embed intelligence at heart of the enterprise digital core.


To empower businesses to innovate and grow in a hyper connected intelligent world.


It forms the basis for all our relationships. We believe in transparency, reliability, and accountability. We honour commitments, maintain confidentiality, and build trust with our clients, partners and colleagues.

We adapt, overcome and thrive in the face of challenges. We learn from setbacks, bounce back stronger and remain steadfast in our pursuit of excellence.

It guides our actions. We celebrate diversity, create safe spaces, and amplify every voice. We actively listen, remove barriers, and foster an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered.

It powers our growth. We embrace creativity, explore the unknown, and pioneer new solutions. We challenge conventions, experiment fearlessly, and stay at the forefront of technology.

It is embraced with pride. We bring our true selves to work, embracing vulnerability and honesty. We value integrity, uphold ethical standards and build genuine connections with our colleagues, partners and clients.

It is visible in all we deliver. We pay attention to details, elevate our craft and deliver excellence. We balance precision with creativity, ensuring that every solution we provide is elegant and impactful.


Sushil S

Growth Strategy

Ketan V

Digital Transformation

Joerin Y

HR Transformation

Vivek V

SAP Transformation

Gerard P

Digital Strategy